Monday, November 29, 2010

Final Examination Part #2

Media does play an important role in my life; I interface with the internet, cell phones, books, magazines, television, radio and newspapers on a daily basis. News is something that I get from multiple sources whether it is from the internet, radio, newspapers, or television. I think that it is important to get your news from a varied amount of sources and not just one source. Also because I often travel a lot I often have to get my news from multiple sources. I don’t think I prefer one news source over the other I think each has its benefits and drawbacks.
media convergence

“The do it yourself content of the internet doesn’t end with blogs and wikis. A whole host of social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook, Friendster, LiveJournal, Hi, Bebo, and Xanga are now available” pg. 53 Not only can the internet be used for email but it can also be used to interface with and network with numerous people around the world. “Another area of the internet on which companies their attention was e-mail. Because sending and receiving e-mail is the most popular use of the internet major corporations such as Yahoo!,AOL, Google, and Microsoft (Hotmail) offer free Web-based email accounts to draw users to their sites. Many corporations take ownership of the internet although there is no one true owner Google owns the majority of advertising.
Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2005

Google was created by Eric E. Schmidt  in 1998

“Two of the most successful original series of this generation have been J.K Rowling’s HarryPotter and Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials. The series “successes” are measured not only in actual book sales but in the profitable movie franchises and other merchandising they have inspired.” After seeing Harry Potter over Thanksgiving Break I thought that this would be a good opportunity to reflect on how media converges and affects our society. “In terms of commercial success the series has sold more than 375 million copies in sixty five languages in 2008.” pg .314 “At the international level countries continue to struggle with questions about the influence of American films on local customs and culture” pg 243.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows gross income was
102.7 million
Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, and Daniel Radcliffe
have become a cultural icon starring as Ron Weasly, Hermoine Granger, and Harry Potter                                  

“On the internet we can download traditional TV shows, including CSI, Lost, House, 24, Greys Anatomy, and Desperate Housewives. pg.169.“No old media ever disappears it just gets reinvented into a new purpose” pg. 169. With cellphones, Ipods, and the internet it is now easier than ever to have access to television in different forms. “Arrested development, a comedy that never attracted a sufficient audience on Fox from 2003 to 2006, consistently ranks among the top three series on Hulu, an online video site founded as a joint venture between NBC Universal and the News Corporation.” pg. 170. As television transitions towards a digital media era, it is easier to get television and for televison to be revitalized.
Hulu was founded in March 2007 by Jason Kilar

Netflix was started in 1997 by Reed Hastings

“In the following decade, though as blogs like the Daily Kos, the Huffington Post, Andrew, and Taking Points Memo gained credibility and a large readership.” pg.275. Many newspapers have online versions as well as a blog. The blog shows opinions and can offer a healthy forum to debate on topics and discuss issues.
The Huffington Post was started by May 2005 by
Ariana Huffington

 “The biggest phenomenon on the internet in user- created content on the internet has been Web blogs” pg. 52. “ A 2006 study of the Pew internet and American Life Project found that more than 12 million U.S adults have created blogs, and 39 percent have read blogs.” pg 52. I haven't really blogged except for outside class. I do think that it is a useful tool especially for networking. 
Blogger was founded August 23rd 1999

 “By far country claims the most stations- more than two thousand, nearly twice as many stations as those with the news/talk format. Country music has old roots in radio, starting in 1925 with the influential Grand Ole Opry program in 1925 on WSM in Nashville.”pg. 130.  I think this is definitely true whenever I turn on the radio in my car the majority of the stations are either rock or country.

WSM radio started in 1925 in Nashville, Tennesee

“The television age not only spawned TV Guide but also a number of specialized entertainment, leisure, and sports magazines.” pg.297. “Launched in 1954 by Henry Luce’s Time Inc., Sports Illustrated was initially aimed at well-educated, middle-class men.” pg. 297. “Sports Illustrated competes directly with ESPN The Magazine, and indirectly with dozens of leisure and niche sports magazine competitors like Golf Digest, Outside, and Pro Football Weekly. I don’t read a lot of magazines but whenever I am in Borders I find that specialized magazines, such as Sports Illustrated, National Geographic, Rolling Stones are more appealing than other targeted magazines.
Sports Illustrated was started
 in 1954 by Stephen Walsh                                      
National Geograhic was started in 1888 by Gardiner
Greene Hubbard

“Apples iphone a hub of convergence featuring phone, internet, music, video and gaming capabilities, is also a tool for mass customization-as users can choose and purchase from a wide selection of applications to make their iphones fit their needs and wants.” pg. 67. Apple along with Google make up the majority of mobile users.
Apples Iphone 4

“British alternative rock group Radiohead decided to sell their 2007 album In Rainbows on the internet  ( for whatever price fans wished to pay, including nothing at all.”pg. 71 Many bands after that followed suit and with apples ipod it is easy to download music. “Apples ipod the leading portable music and video player, began a revolution in digital music.” pg.79

Apples Itouch


  1. Satisfactory FINAL draft, Katie!

    To make EXCELLENT:

    1. Expand your analysis to 5-7 sentences per paragraph.

    2. Caption ALL of your images.

    Go for it,


  2. Good MEDIA AND ME memoir here, Katie.

    I really like that first embed - I may use it in class for next semester.

    And very good blogging this semester - I think you have learned much!

    Bravo, and keep meditating on your media,

    Dr. W
